
Trouble in Phandalin – Session 2

It was not the best of the nights in and around Cragmaw Hideout for our adventurers.  Between nursing their wounds and the smell of goblin remains emanating from the cave, sleep was hard to come by.  In the morning, Ekim and Sylla retrieved the wagon from its hiding spot while the remainder of the group started to pull their loot from the cave.  While resting in the wagon Sildar noticed the blue lion stamp on some of the crates for the first time. ‘Those belong to the Lionshield Coster’ are the first words Sildar had said since his rescue.  ‘There…


The Job – Session 1

A man limps up the notice board, burdened with a satchel full of paper and nails.  Without a care as to the previous papers cluttering the surface, he places the newest announcement as close to the center as he cares to attempt.  The sound of his pin hammer echoes across the square.  Tap, tap, tap.  Tap, tap, tap.  Tap, tap, tap.  The nosier of the locals crowd around to be the first to know the newest gossip.  “Brave Adventurers wanted.  Escort duties to Phandalin.  Easy money for a few days…”  As the initial crowd disperses, the cloaked figure steps from…


The Haunted Tiefling – Tethren Torment

Lacking great stature but neither small like a halfling. Tethren does anything but blend in with the crowd. As he pulls back his cloak’s hood his silvery antlers glitter in the light. Immediately after you get lost in the bottomless pit of his all black eyes. He can command the room with ease only with his presence. His white skin with a slight blue hue and only darker blue hair pay homage to the ice peaks from a past long ago. Given his past, he is slow to make companions. Often found sitting in the silent corners of any given…

Gaming, Life, Technology

This is One of Many Potential Futures

One of Tyler’s favorite ways to pass time is watching online videos. While I have mixed feelings on the pros and cons of allowing him to watch online videos as a major source of his technology intake, one thing has become glaringly obvious. Tyler wants be a “YouTuber”. That what most of his generation calls it, but I prefer the more encompassing label of content creator. Now this is not a job that you go to school or technical training to be. It’s all about being inspired and learning as you go. That learning as you go is definitely something…